
Anorak News | Prostitute Domenica Niehoff’s Grave Is Too Slutty

Prostitute Domenica Niehoff’s Grave Is Too Slutty

by | 5th, July 2009

domenica-niehoffDOMENICA Niehoff, Germany’s most famous prostitute, has died

To mark her passing, 77-year-old artist Tomi Ungerer deisnged for his friend a gravestone featuring two generous pink marble boulders.

But the meisters of the Garden of Women cemetery, Hamburg, says nein. The design is too “slutty”.

Says Ungerer:

“Domenica would have liked my design. She was not ashamed of herself.”

Says photographer Günther Zint, another friend of Niehoff:

“There was a bit of a debate among her friends whether Tomi needed to emphasise her breasts like that. They were after all a bane of her life.”

And death…

Artist’s impression:


To see Michael Jackson in a coffin go here!

Posted: 5th, July 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink