
Anorak News | Jaycee Dugard’s Home Run To Oprah Winfrey

Jaycee Dugard’s Home Run To Oprah Winfrey

by | 10th, September 2009

jaycee-lee-dugard2JAYCEE Lee Dugard – Anorak’s look at Jaycee Dugard in the news: Mark Whicker wrestles Jaycee; Oprah Winfrey really wants Jaycee and Phillip Garrido’s songs to watch the girls go by…

We begin with Mark Whicker’s column in the Orange Couty Register, as the writer enganges in game of Tabloid Bingo as he tries to link the rape and kidnapping of a child with his vested interest: sports.
his versted interst: sports:

It doesn’t sound as if Jaycee Dugard got to see a sports page. Box scores were not available to her from June 10, 1991 until Aug. 31 of this year. She never saw a highlight. Never got to the ballpark for Beach Towel Night. Probably hasn’t high-fived in a while. She was not allowed to spike a volleyball. Or pitch a softball. Or smack a forehand down the line. Or run in a 5-footer for double bogey. Now, that’s deprivation.

She also never ran. Discuss.

How difficult to adjust to such cataclysmic change? More than that, who’s going to explain the fact that there’s a President Obama?


Congratulations, Jaycee. You left the yard.

New York Post: “O wants Jaycee”

OPRAH Winfrey really wants the first interview with Jaycee Dugard, the now-29-year-old woman kidnapped and held captive for 18 years.

“I want that interview,” Winfrey told “The Insider.” “Like everyone else in this business I have my people working on that. It’s the first time I have ever called up my producers and said, ‘Are we on this story? Because I want that interview!’ “

The rape of a child for our entertainment. Pass the tissues…

KYTX: “”Bone Fragment Found Near Garrido’s House is “Probably Human””

You want facts?

Police have identified a bone fragment found near the property of Jaycee Dugard’s alleged kidnapper Phillip Garrido. Police say the bone found near Phillip Garrido’s house is probably human. Additional d.n.a. testing is underway.

It might not be a human bone, then? But, still, a scoop is a scoop. Any more?

Police think Garrido may be related to the deaths of several prostitutes back in the nineties. And we’re learning more about Garrido’s past.

And now we bring you our play for today: Garrido Playhouse Theatre:

A former prosecutor says police sources told him Garrido and his second wife, Nancy, had specifically targeted Jaycee.

“I call it child shopping. They were out actually looking for someone to kidnap and they went by a group of litlle girl one of which was Jaycee Dugard and as they went by Philip said to Nancy ‘ooh ooh I want that one, she’s cute, her, her,” stated former prosecutor Michael Cardoza.

The next day, the Garrido’s went back and grabbed Jaycee as she stood alone at the bus stop.

The Celebrity Café: “Kidnapper’s Eerie Songs Surface”

“The way she walks, yeah, subtle, sexy. What can I do? I fall victim too. A little child, yeah, look what you do,” is one frightening lyric. Another song goes, “For every little girl in the world, they want to be in love, you’re just the same, go play a game, just tell me that you want me, c’mon babe, I’m just insane, I’m crying out to you.”


These songs may be seen as evidence of Garrido’s pedophilic tendencies.

If not, then the police will have to rely on the theory that he kidnapped and raped a child.

Jaycee Duguard – keeping the media in chatter since 2009…

Jaycee Dugard in pictures

Posted: 10th, September 2009 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink