
Anorak News | Muslim Baby Factories Uncovered

Muslim Baby Factories Uncovered

by | 22nd, September 2009

EVERY day the popular media scours scientific research journals, reports from vested-interest groups and the thoughts of NGO’s and publishes the scare stories as facts. Anorak picks the best:

You’re dead already

Zombie horde descends on city – Press Citize

One point three, six, seven, nine, actually

“One in every 100 adults has autism” – Evening Standard

Muslim baby factories

“Muslims Mass-Producing Children to Take Over Africa, Says Archbishop” – Times

Pig worriers

“Second wave of swine flu may trigger spate of heart attacks” – The Times

Pay up or else

“Swine Flu ‘Could Kill Millions Unless Rich Nations Give £900m'” – Observer

Does what?

“Report: Alzheimer’s Cases to Nearly Double Every 20 Years” – CNN

Murder by suicide

“One of the country’s most eminent crime writers warned yesterday that a law to allow assisted suicide may become a murderers’ charter” – Daily Mail

Zebra crossing

“Grandmother died after being knocked over by zebra on once-in-a-lifetime safari in Kenya” – Mail

Posted: 22nd, September 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink