
Anorak News | Surrey Artist Poos And Wipes Arse On Bible

Surrey Artist Poos And Wipes Arse On Bible

by | 6th, November 2009

bible-pooIN the Vancouver suburb of Surrey, a 33-year-old man is in need of urgent relief.

He is at a party. He is drunk. It is Halloween. So he poos on the seat of a car and wipes himself clean on a handy Bible.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

The car’s owner is unimpressed. The man then seeks refuge in a nearby police vehicle.

In the car he is bitten by a police dog.

The man is arrested and fails to use as his defence: “But it’s my art, occifer.”

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Posted: 6th, November 2009 | In: Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink