
Anorak News | Zhu Zhu Pets Turn Your Dead Go Go Hamster Into A Thing Of Fun

Zhu Zhu Pets Turn Your Dead Go Go Hamster Into A Thing Of Fun

by | 9th, November 2009

gogo-pets-hamster-mr-squigglesHOW do you know when a pet hamster is dead? You don’t. They never die. They just become Go Go Pets.

Go Go Pets are on sale in the UK for £10 as Zhu Zhu Pets. A tenner for a dead hamster glued to a toy car sounds steep.

Chunk needs a pal. And Mr Squiggles needs a mate. This is how it is with hamsters. You get one. You end up with hundreds.

But now there is a cost-effective use for dead hamsters. Roll the tape. If you look, you can see one them of blinking like Richard Gere in American Gigolo:

Posted: 9th, November 2009 | In: The Consumer Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink