
Anorak News | Man Needs Constant Sex To Stay Alive

Man Needs Constant Sex To Stay Alive

by | 16th, November 2009

discount-dickTO Taiwan, where a 55-year-old Taiwanese man needs to have sex all the time or else he will die.

But now Hsu Shian-ming has been arrested on Saturday. It is alleged the he did post a picture of a male model online and invite callers to phone him.

During the calls, Hsu would tells the women of his poor father who required constant sex to stay alive. The women then met his father – who looked remarkably like the real Hsu – at hotels in Taipei.

The rest you can work out for yourselves.

As for the women, well, they fell not so much for a pretty face than for the promise of one.

Now read:

Carer Tricked Into Changing Adult Man’s Nappies

Posted: 16th, November 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink