
Anorak News | Pictures: Katie Price Is Exploding Breasts Drama – Egypt And Jordan At War

Pictures: Katie Price Is Exploding Breasts Drama – Egypt And Jordan At War

by | 15th, April 2010

KATIE Price is in Egypt. And her breasts have exploded. Having already told you that Katie is Jewish and a kidnap target for Hamas, we wonder if she has already been got at. Is Katie Price a suicide bomber?

The Star delivers the front-page headline:

“Jordan holiday boobs horror”

Yep, Katie has holiday boobs. Katie has boobs for every occassion.

“Breast implants explode on Red Sea scuba dive.”

Grim news. What of the story?

JORDAN has been warned her giant boobs could blow up or drown her on her Egyptian diving holiday.

They have not gone off – yet! Our only hope is that the Daily Star gets to Katie before the shadowy forces that have impacted her chest with explosives. The fish had best run – while they still have their lips…


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Katie Price (Jordan) mounts a 16-hand thoroughbred horse at a photocall to launch the new virtual horseracing show 'The Horses'. Picture: UK Press

Posted: 15th, April 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink