
Anorak News | David Cameron’s School Dinner: Pictures

David Cameron’s School Dinner: Pictures

by | 9th, July 2010

PRIME Minister David Cameron met with school children during lunch with the pupils at Newquay Junior School.

Watching Cameron eat is nothing new. On the campaign trail we saw Super Cam with a smiley face biscuit and a sandwich.

Eating in public is not easy. You can look at a gallery of some famous face who have tied it here. But Cameron manages it pretty well. But will the electorate swallow his line on reducing the school building programme:

“We have come in, we have inherited this situation. Half of the school projects will go ahead but half of them can’t go ahead. We have had to announce what those are. Now that is not easy and I know it is not popular. But it is because Labour government left the country in such a complete mess, with the biggest budget deficit in the G20.”

Isn’t a good school more about the teachers than the buildings? Why not scrap all the building programmes and spend the cash on the teachers?


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Prime Minister David Cameron speaks with school children during lunch with the pupils at Newquay Junior school.

Posted: 9th, July 2010 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink