Death At The Grand National: Photos Of What Makes The World’s Greatest Horse Race Great
THE Grand National is a deadly business. Ballabriggs takes the plaudits. But Ornais goes home in an altogether different kind of horse box. At the fourth fence, Ornais broke its neck and died. There the horse lay on the course, covered in green tarpaulin. Did the race stop for a death? No. The jockeys just avoided the body by going round the 20th fence on the second lap. The BBC commentators called the horse an “obstacle”.
Dooneys Gate died at Becher’s Brook. The horse back broke.
Since 2000 a 33 horses have died at the Aintree spring festival. The animal welfare groups bemoan the fact. But isn’t the death and the danger what makes the race?
Posted: 10th, April 2011 | In: Sports Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink