John Wilson’s ‘Attack’ On Celtic’s Neil Lennon Introduces Herts To The New Firm: Photos
THE match between Hearts and Celtic was decent backdrop to the main event of Neil Lennon getting, allegedly, punched in the head by a Mr John Wilson.
Scottish football is no longer just about watching Celtic V Rangers scrapping on the TV news but also about Herts, too. If Scottish football is to be a thriving competitive area that makes the tabloids sit up and notice, it needs more than two sets of fans and players prone to violence. Does Wilson work in the marketing department for Sky Sports, where every game is massive and tradition is a watchword on Monday night football?
So. To Herts a routine 3-0 defeat and the romance of coming third behind the big two.
Meanwhile, the Press Association reports that a package delivered to Celtic ground contained a bullet and was addressed to Lennon.
And two men have been arrested in connection with bombs sent to Lennon and Celtic fans Paul McBride QC and former MSP Trish Godman.
Lennon does a any man being threatened does. He takes to Twitter:
“Don’t let what happened to me tonight take the shine off a wonderful team performance… I don’t walk alone.”
Indeed not. If Sky has its way, Lennon will be walking on Manager Cam in 3D HD. And Herts..? Well, if they can grasp to their bosom the nettle of militant Evangelism, they may yet feature more often in the news…
Posted: 12th, May 2011 | In: Sports Comments (11) | TrackBack | Permalink