Impoverished Daily Mail Hack Liz Jones Buys New Face For £13,145: Dogs Are Delighted
LIZ Jones, the Daily Mail hijack who was not murdered in Bristol, has had a facelift. It cost £13,145. You might have read about in that in the Daily Mail on June 17.
You can also read this gem from the impoverished hack, as she wrote way, way back in February 2011.
The day before my brother’s funeral, I get a visit from the taxman… It’s freezing because the Aga has broken. He writes down a figure. I feel sick when he shows it to me… Perhaps I can sell my car, but it has 100,000 miles on the clock… I have gone from living in a Georgian house with a convertible, to being the sort of person who can’t afford to turn on the heating, with a car people think is scrap metal. It doesn’t really get any worse than this, does it?
People rallied round to help, Liz “4,100 readers wrote in offering cash and accommodation“:
Jones listed some of the readers who had offered to help. One woman said she “could spare £100 a month for five months”. A 77-year-old widow on a state pension wrote: “I’ve won £50 on Premium bonds and I want you to have it, so how can I get it to you?”
Another 56-year-old reader, whose husband had given up work to care for her, asked her to accept £50 from them, while another pensioner sent a scratchcard with the note: “I’m a pensioner. I lost my husband 20 years ago, and still miss him every day. I love collies. Love, Joyce, 87 years young!”
Jones wrote that if she could not return the money she would donate anything sent to Equine Market Watch, of which she is a patron, and animal charity Wiccaweys, which rescues collies.
And those are poor, poor collies with saggy jowls…
Posted: 23rd, June 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink