Ryan Giggs’ Women Turns Him Bald, White And Back To Black
RYAN Giggs, the Manchester United star who refuses to kiss ‘n’ tell (a true gent!) is back on the cover of the Daily Star. When in doubt – when the dead tree press is in the mire – when The News of The World is dead and the paper buying minority look at their feet by the newsagent’s lowest shelf and consider what to buy – they will see the Star on Sunday and, if they like Ryan Giggs, they might buy a copy.
News is:
Or as the Sun put it:
RYAN Giggs’s cheating with two mistresses put him under so much pressure his hair began to fall out…
Phew! So long as it wasn’t his genes. Those bloody women! Grrrr!
But it’s ok – Giggs has had his hair nailed back in (or whatever they do at the Advanced Hair Studio, in Salford, Manchester).
The Star’s front-page shocker is equipped with a photo of Big Brother stumpet Imogen Thomas, she who claims to have shagged married dad Giggs. You may recall the Star telling us that Giggs had turned Thomas into a lesbian? Because that’s how lesbians are produced, readers.
Posted: 11th, July 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink