Richard Littlejohn’s 954 Words On Peter Mandelson’s House: How Journalism Works
HOW tabloid journalism works: Daily Mail hack Richard Littlejohn has a column to fill. What can he possibly write about? Well, Peter Mandelson has bought a house in London.
What was I saying recently about missing Peter Mandelson? His assorted scrapes, scambolis and scandals have provided a rich seam of material over the years. Many have been the mornings I’ve sat here scratching my head and staring at a blank wordface, only for Mandelson to ride to the rescue.
When Labour was turfed out of office, my jubilation was tinged with just a little sadness over the fact that I wouldn’t have Mandy to kick around any more. I needn’t have worried. As I tried desperately to avoid having to write about Libya, along came exciting news of Mandelson’s ambitious property portfolio.
Littlejohn manages to find 954 words on Mandelson’s home. Job done.
More next week…
Posted: 23rd, August 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink