The Sun Mauls Seychelles Shark Victim With Nonsense, Myth And Fear
IAN Redmond continues to occupy minds at the caring Sun. The Lancashire man who was killed by a shark on his Seychelles honeymoon has kept the Sun in sensation. Having been told that the fish was controlled by the moon ( a piece of nonsense we discounted with rudimentary research) and that the killer was a Great White and a bull shark , of the type that “inspired” Jaws, we are told told:
FISHERMEN believe one of two tiger sharks caught yesterday is the monster that killed… Ian Redmond.
Yep. It’s now a tiger shark.
Previously, the Sun told us that the shark had eaten Mr Redmond and his wedding ring. So, discovering if this is the killer or not should not be too tricky.
And then beneath the paper’s headline “One of two dead beasts ‘savaged honeymoon Brit’”, Nick Parker and Richard White (two journalists) tell readers:
Shark experts brought in after the attack off Anse Lazio beach on Praslin island in the Seychelles gutted the captured fish yesterday. No human remains were found.
But don’t let that sway your judgement:
But boffin, Mike Anderson-Reade, said: “It could bite someone then regurgitate it days later.”
You want more facts?
Mike admitted: “A fish can move a long way away.”
But not to worry – the Sun’s other expert says the shark will be back to kill again…maybe…
Posted: 27th, August 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink