Alessio Rastani Is A Hoaxer? Bankers And Traders Only Pretending Just Out For A Laugh
ALESSIO Rastani, the trader who admitted that money marketeers act in their own self-interest (who knew) and thrive on panic and fear, is a fraud?
The Daily Mail says he is – or might be:
Was the BBC’s trader from a hell one big hoax? Claims greedy dealer praying for a recession in which to get rich was a FAKE
“Rastani said the stock market was “toast“. Rastani said:
“The governments don’t rule the world – Goldman Sachs rules the world.”
Rastani said:
“I have a confession – I go to bed every night and I dream of another recession, I dream of another moment like this.”
Rastiani said “yes” when the BBC invited him on the news to talk about trading.
So. Is Rastani a hoaxer? Can it be that traders are not real traders at all but just young men having laugh in the City? Are our lives being run and ruined by pranksters who get their kicks showing off and pratting about?
The Yes Men site is informative:
The Yes Men wish to commend Mr. “Alessio Rastani” for his masterful performance as “trader” on BBC World yesterday. Mr. Rastani’s real name is Granwyth Hulatberi; he once appeared on CNBC MarketWrap as a “representative” of the WTO. Well done, Granwyth! You’re getting better and better.
We knew it…
Just kidding. We’ve never heard of Rastani. Despite widespread speculation, he isn’t a Yes Man. He’s a real trader who is, for one reason or another, being more honest than usual.
Meanwhile, news reaches us that other experts on the news might not be experts in anything other than appearing on the telly and when it boils down to it no-one knows f*ck all about anything.
Panic as you must.
Posted: 27th, September 2011 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink