Six Swedish Drag Queens Sought For Lincoln Pub Fight
ARE you one of the six men dressed as Swedish women * who fought at the Jailhouse Rock pub in Silver Street, Lincoln? In the course of the fight, one of the drag queens had a chair smashed over her his head.

A police spokesman said:
“There was some nasty violence. Clearly we don’t want that sort of thing going on. It may have had something to do with the way they were dressed. One of them was hit over the head with a chair. It looked like a scene from a Carry On movie with these busty blondes fighting these blokes. But this was a serious fight and we need to make sure no one gets away with this level of violence.”
Odd way to condemn violence, by comparing it to a much-loved British comedy staple.
* Proof that they were not Swedish women has yet to be confirmed.
Lest we forget:
Posted: 2nd, October 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink