
Anorak News | Scientists invent glasses that make people shrink

Scientists invent glasses that make people shrink

by | 6th, June 2012

IN the 1980s, the Japanese grew rich on making things smaller. This process was mostly confined to electronic gadgets and poems. But now the country’s boffins are shrinking people.  Scientists at University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Information Science and Technology have invented goggles athat trick the wearer into thinking the piece of food on the end of their fork, chopsticks or fingers is larger than it really is.

The goggles are linked to a computer screen that makes the food appear as much as 50 percent larger.

As British inventors dash out to patent invented milk bottles, ‘glassocculars’ or buy the wrong spectacles, so making all foods a blur, making it possible for the over-eater to miss a meal entirely, and consume a small chair or carpet,  Takuji Narumi, an assistant professor behind the wonder, says:

“By changing the size of the food and scaling it up we have shown that participants eat about 10 percent less over the course of a day. This is because the brain believes visual information rather than the information that it receives from the stomach or our other internal sensors.”

As we say, it’s brilliant. But if you can’t wait for the product to hit the shelves, the advice is to pop along to your local Hall of Mirrors and find one that makes you feel the fattest…

Posted: 6th, June 2012 | In: Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink