
Anorak News | The Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes divorce settlement and the Suri Clause

The Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes divorce settlement and the Suri Clause

by | 10th, July 2012

PRETTY much everyone wants the divorce between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to result in a public mudslinging event, complete with harrowing fallout of despicable behaviour. We thrive on it. And besides, Scientology is involve which always adds a little spice to the gossip mix.

And of course, with this pair being high profile and filled with unswerving hatred for each other, the divorce settlement is rather complicated, outlining things both Tom and Katie can and cannot do with their daughter (unless you believe the rumours) Suri.

It seems that Katie will have primary physical custody, but Tom will get significant custodial time with Suri. However, the claim that Suri must be in the presence of Katie’s bodyguard and nanny when she is around Tom is “absolutely, 100% false.” Damn.

One interesting thing is that it appears there are restrictions on what Tom and Katie can discuss with Suri on the subject of religion, including Scientology. Basically, it appears that she’ll be allowed to make her own mind up until she’s old enough to be harangued by at least one of her parents.

Weirdly though, after the initial nuclear element to the split, Holmes and Cruise have calmed down somewhat. The daughter was initially being used as something of a weapon to attack the other, with Katie apparently wanting to strip Tom of all decision-making and Cruise hiring the biggest legal guns he could get his hands on.

Then, quite remarkably, some sense kicked in. Someone pointed out to the pair that this could irreparably damage Suri, which, sources claim, caused the high profile couple to take stock.

While this may seem like a perfectly normal thing to happen, how many parents realise this as quickly as this pair have? Add to this, that they’re both astonishingly famous and you’ve got a recipe for deluded mentalism. Look at other fallouts lately, eh Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson?

Alas, the car-wreck may not be skidding its way into view afterall…

Posted: 10th, July 2012 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink