
Anorak News | George Entwistle and the conniving BBC Trust put a question mark after the news

George Entwistle and the conniving BBC Trust put a question mark after the news

by | 12th, November 2012

GEORGE Entwistle has resigned his job as Director General of the BBC. He walks away with a huge £450,000 pay off. That’s twice what he was due under the terms of his contract. Thanks, GE. Thanks for taking the fall. Thanks for resigning and not forcing the BBC Trust to sack you, an action which would have secured you 12-months salary, rather than your six-months pay for resigning, as per contract.

So. For taking an early bath here’s 12-months salary and no stain on your CV.

How’s that for speaking truth to power at the trusty BBC?

The old media is falling to bits. So. How does a newspaper report on a fast-moving news story about the news media? The Independent decided that everything should come with a question mark against it. Sensible stuff…

Spotter: MediaBlog

Posted: 12th, November 2012 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink