
Anorak News | Kim Kardashian names her ‘gates’ Bambi and Thumper (in yer face Stu Francis)

Kim Kardashian names her ‘gates’ Bambi and Thumper (in yer face Stu Francis)

by | 24th, May 2013

kim-kardashian crush copy

BY now you must be wondering what Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have been up to. Well, he’s taken to calling himself Yeezus and she’s got gates that Bambi and Thumber would have admired. Here’s a selection of headlines that followed an apparent coming together of his hot, throbbing metal and her portals:

“Kanye West’s Lamborghini Trapped In Kim Kardashian’s Electric Gates”


In LA everything is electric

kardashian gates


Feel the weight!

kardashian gates 4



With sound effects!

kardashian gates 3


Eat yer heart our Stu Francis:

Posted: 24th, May 2013 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink