
Anorak News | Man Used Skinned Beheaded Dog Dressed In His Clothes To Fake His Own Death

Man Used Skinned Beheaded Dog Dressed In His Clothes To Fake His Own Death

by | 12th, June 2014

li body
WE have no picture of the man known only as Li, who was involved in this scam, but let us just imagine that he is not all that pretty. As he tells police in China:
“I bought a dead dog, skinned it and cut off its head. I wrapped it in my clothes. I just wanted my [family members] to think I was dead.”
But that wasn’t Li with the four legs, tail stump and paws lying in road near Zhaoxian. It was his sedan on a roadside. But the trail of blood and clothes over the road were part of an attempt to pretend he was dead, the victim of a hit and run. Li hoped his family would think him dead, thus enabling him to start a life with his new lover, most likely a pert Bichon Frisé.
But those wily police DNA tested the creature in the corduroys and sports jacket and discovered that the remains were in fact those of a dog.

The fact that police could not tell the difference between a dead man and a skinned, beheaded dog at a single glance suggests that Li’s plan was not all that ridiculous, it needing only to be marginally more intelligent than the local police, who seem a little dim.

Anyhow, Li has been apprehended. It was easy. The police just followed leads (ouch!)…

Posted: 12th, June 2014 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink