
Anorak News | Gogglebox sofa sitter Andrew Michael wants to be a UKIP MP

Gogglebox sofa sitter Andrew Michael wants to be a UKIP MP

by | 18th, December 2014



You won’t see Louis, Alex, Carolyne and Andrew Michael on Channel 4’s Gogglebox because dad is standing as a UKIP candidate.

Channel 4 told BBC’s Newsbeat:

Mr Michael has confirmed his proposed candidacy as a UKIP MP in Hastings and Rye. Sadly any Gogglebox cast member who becomes a candidate for a political party will have to step down from their involvement in Gogglebox. It’s with great regreat that the Michaels are no longer in the show. They have been excellent contributors to Gogglebox, and we are very grateful for all they have given to the show.

Reality TV star enters Westminster. It’s a reversal of the usual process…

Posted: 18th, December 2014 | In: Politicians Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink