
Anorak News | Muslim cleric says masturbating makes your hands pregnant in the afterlife

Muslim cleric says masturbating makes your hands pregnant in the afterlife

by | 27th, May 2015

muslim fingers masturbating


Masturbation, says Muslim “televangelist” Mucahid Cihad Han, will make your hands pregnant after you die. Your baby finger puppets will most likely be blind.

Responding to a viewer who admitted to onanism in marriage, Han told him to stop it or else:

“Moreover, one hadith states that those who have sexual intercourse with their hands will find their hands pregnant in the afterlife, complaining against them to God over its rights. If our viewer was single, I could recommend he marry, but what can I say now?”

Han has now tweeted his wisdom, as Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily News reports. The paper investigated Han’s advice:

“Istimna,” the Arabic term for masturbation that Han also referred to, is a controversial issue in Islam, as there have been varying opinions on its permissibility throughout history. The Quran has no clear reference to masturbation and the authenticity of many hadiths is questionable.

Despite Han’s assertive religious stance, only a limited number of Islamic interpretations categorize masturbation as “haram,” while most of others call it a “makruh” (disliked) act. Many of the mainstream Islamic interpretations even allow it in certain conditions, like if the act could be used to avoid the temptation of an extramarital affair.

Han, who has more than 12,000 followers on Twitter, was mocked on Turkish social media on May 25, after newspapers published his latest television “fatwa.”

“Are there any hand-gynaecologists in the afterlife? Is abortion allowed there?” one Twitter user asked, while mentioning Han’s Twitter user name.

“So you think that being pregnant is a God-given punishment?” another user asked.

Here’s is Han’s interview:

Spotter: Hurriyet Daily News.

Posted: 27th, May 2015 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink