Edward Heath the peadophile: Jimmy Savile’s nephew says, police trawl, Myra Ling-Ling Forde’s tame coppers

9th January 1979: Edward Heath, British Conservative politician and prime minister (1970 – 1974) playing the piano to the amusement of Kermit the Frog and Paddington Bear. (Photo by Evening Standard/Getty Images)
No-one has dug Ted Heath up and buried the former Prime Minister face down in an unmarked grave. Yet. Police in Wiltshire and the NSPCC are inviting anyone who ‘believes’ they may have been absued by the dead Tory Leader in his lifetime to get in touch via a hotline.
The advert trills:
Sir Edward Heath has been named in relation to offences concerning children. He lived in Salisbury for many years and we would like to hear from anyone who has any relevant information that may assist us in our enquiries or anyone who believes they may have been a victim.
Not alleged offences. Simply offences. Ted is “named”. It has been decreed. And it’s hard to escape that part about “belief”. Once upon a time, only victims were allowed to call the official hotlines dealing with historical sex abuse. Now anyone who believes they’ve been a victim can call.
And we’re getting to hear lots about Ted’s sex life. Today the BBC tells us that Sir Edward Heath was “completely asexual”. Lord Armstrong of Ilminster told the BBC he “never felt a whiff of sexuality about Ted Heath, whether it was in relation to women, men or children”.
Dogs? Boats?? Thatcher??? He never shagged Jonathan King nor an aadvark. Fact!
Lord Armstrong was principal private secretary at Number 10 during Sir Edward’s time as Conservative prime minister between 1970 and 1974. He said the allegations were “so totally uncharacteristic and unlikely” that he did not believe them to be true. “My incredulity is based on the way of life of a man and about his character and his personality,” he told Radio 4’s Today programme. “When he was at home he had two policemen on the gate, he had the personal protection officer from Scotland Yard in the house, he never drove a car himself, he always had an official driver.
“It just seems to me highly unlikely that he could have escaped all that to do the kind of thing that is described.”
Unless the coppers were in on it? Unless they and local brothel keeper Myra Ling-Ling Forde were all supping wines in Ted Heath’s secret cellar?
“I think when the allegations are so insubstantial or unsupported as these are, that investigation should take place in private and they shouldn’t be publicised in the way it has been here.”
It’s a witch hunt. In looking for a victim, we read the Standard’s report:
Sir Edward Heath abused boy of 14 at London party, says Jimmy Savile’s nephew
That headline has the lot.
Knight of the realm? Yes.
Claim presented as fact? Yes.
Underage victim? Yes.
Jimmy Savile? Yes.
They should bring back hanging. But Ted Heath is dead and the story is not all that big on fact:
Guy Marsden said the friend was just 14 at the time and the alleged sex attack on him happened at a party in London during the Seventies… Mr Marsden, 61, said he and three friends aged 13 to 16 were ferried across London from flat to flat, where sexual abuse took place. He said police are aware of the allegations by his friend, who is now married with two children and wishes to remain anonymous.
Go on:
“The four of us would arrive at these parties together, then my friend would disappear. I didn’t think much of it at the time, though I knew it was weird. He’d be gone for a while, led away by a man, then he’d be back. I knew there was stuff going on but didn’t know the extent of it until much later.
“I am in touch with my friend and he has told me what they did to him and it’s just horrific, absolutely unbelievable stuff. He would sometimes leave the house we were at then get driven round to some other place. Hours later he’d be back. At that time we never really asked where he had been.
“He later told us that Ted Heath was an abuser but that he didn’t know who he was at the time. He said it was a year after the abuse took place that he was watching TV and recognised him.”
That’s enough for us.
Time now for a laugh, albeit a knowing sneery one.
The Met’s Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe today refused to go into detail about the investigation into Sir Edward, saying only: “We take great care to preserve people’s reputations. We have to examine thoroughly any claim on behalf of a victim but we have to be fair to the suspect.”
Now dial 0800TEDHEATH PAEDO. Police are waiting for your call!
Posted: 14th, August 2015 | In: Politicians, Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink