
Anorak News | Boris Johnson and Michael Fallon support Theresa May’s ‘extremely dangerous’ and ‘catastrophic’ plan to cap energy prices

Boris Johnson and Michael Fallon support Theresa May’s ‘extremely dangerous’ and ‘catastrophic’ plan to cap energy prices

by | 11th, May 2017

Vote Theresa May and you will be voting for lower energy prices. The Daily Mail is delighted by May’s move – and far more delighted when then Labour Party leader Ed Miliband proposed pretty much the same thing in 2013.

But what about two of May’s Cabinet, Michael Fallon and Boris Johnson – what do they think about the idea of capping energy prices and indulging in what the Mail called “pure economic vandalism” that would turn the lights off all over the country?


“We have not seen intervention in industry on a scale like this since the 1970s when they tried to control the price of bread.” – Michael Fallon, current Defence Secretary

“Miliband says he will imitate the catastrophic policies of the emperor Diocletian, by imposing a price freeze on energy bills for the 20 months succeeding the election.” – Boris Johnson, current Foreign Secretary

Boris Johnson had more to say in the in the Telegraph:

“I find it rather incredible that he can seriously pretend to want to do something for the hard-pressed energy consumers in this country, and I find it astounding that so many people are falling for his Wonga-like offer.

“He says he will imitate the catastrophic policies of the emperor Diocletian, by imposing a price freeze on energy bills for the 20 months succeeding the election. And, er, then what? Well, then the energy companies will, of course, recoup their losses by whacking the prices jaggedly upwards again.

“In the meantime, the Labour government would have achieved all sorts of undesirable outcomes. By their meddling jiggery-pokery, they will send out the worst possible message to anyone thinking of investing in this country, or buying shares in British businesses.

“Worse still, perhaps, he will trigger all sorts of perverse behaviour by the companies – none of which is likely to be in the interests of the consumer. The energy companies will sullenly cut costs by laying off staff – so that you spend even longer waiting for a human being to answer the phone, and have to wait in all day for a repair man to come.”

And there was Michael Fallon again at the Tory Party conference:

“Tony Blair took [Labour] away from that; he knew that only business can create wealth and jobs. Now they are signalling the kind of Labour government that would intervene in industry on a scale we haven’t seen since the 1970s, when they tried to control the price of bread.”

“You don’t reduce the pressure on the cost of living by directly interfering in the way that companies invest here… That is extremely dangerous.”

The lads are right behind you, Theresa.

Posted: 11th, May 2017 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink