Celebrities Category
Celebrity news & gossip from the world’s showbiz and glamour magazines (OK!, Hello, National Enquirer and more). We read them so you don’t have to, picking the best bits from the showbiz world’s maw and spitting it back at them. Expect lots of sarcasm.
SO. How does the Daily Mail report on Emma Watson’s appearance at a UN sexual equality do? Watson added impetus to the UN’s HeForShe campaign, which aims to involve men in tackling gender inequality and discrimination.
The HeForShe Commitment
Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, it is a human rights issue that requires my participation. I commit to take action against all forms of violence and discrimination faced by women and girls.
So. what did she say?
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Posted: 23rd, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

HAVING realised that two fake Jordans is hackneyed, Alisha Hessler got three boobs and changed her name to Jasmine Trivdevil.
The Sun has shared a few words with the model – although the paper’s “exclusive” lacks any of the details we found out abut the newest sensation, such as her police booking photo for an alleged fraud, a bout of man-shaming (a crime that happened because she – and only she – said it had) and a massage with with a Happy Meal.
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Posted: 23rd, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment
FACES of the day:

Two Lemurs (Lee and Monty) of the kind featured in the animated film Madagascar 2 visit the celebrity waxworks, including Amy Winehouse and Nicole Kidman, at Madame Tussauds in central London. Picture date: Thursday December 4, 2008.
Nothing odd about any of that…
Posted: 23rd, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Cilla Black and Jimmy Saville before a Variety Club Luncheon at the Savoy Hotel.
Date: 10/08/1964
THE BBC very much regrest including the face of dead DJ Jimmy Savile during a Top Of The Pops highlights show this September. Sir Jimmy, as he was known at the time of filming (the repugnant man was both a Papal knight and knight of the realm), is not a BBC highlight and must be shown only on the news.
The BBC says:
“Although all programmes are reviewed before broadcast, unfortunately this brief appearance was missed. It was removed from iPlayer as soon as we were made aware and replaced with a re-edited version. We apologise for any distress caused.”
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Posted: 22nd, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts | Comment

ONCE upon a time, rock and pop lived together in perfect harmony and music fans didn’t feel the need to pick sides. Then, at some point in the ’80s, indie music came and spoiled it all, taking up the same opinion as people like Morrissey, who needlessly hit out at anything that was vaguely popular.
In 2014, too many White Artists With A Guitar (WAWAGs, pronounced Waaaaaaaah Wags) feel the need to hit out against pop music because it makes them feel more authentic when they talk about ‘real music’ and other horsepiss.
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 22nd, September 2014 | In: Music | Comment

JOAN Rivers might be dead but never let it be said she fails tos ee ou a contractual obligation.
“This badass is being replaced by an iPhone 6 (not the fat one). I got this one in 2010 and, after 4 years, my only complaint is that apps are now designed for bigger screens, and the battery is getting tired. Never had a case for it, since it was most beautiful on its own. Great achievement in design. Great product. #apple #iphone #tech.”
Her views on the iPhone 7, 8, 9 and X are not yet scheduled to be known…
Posted: 19th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, Technology | Comment
WHAT’S former Neighbours’ star Jason Donovan planning for the future. Panto, perhaps?

He’s behind you!
Posted: 19th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Sky News presenter Kay Burley reads from a card with the wrong spelling of Kirkcaldy written on the back, at the Adam Smith College – where the count for Gordon Brown’s Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath Constituency was held in the General Election.
Picture date: Friday, May 7, 2010.
THE increasingly bizarre Kay Burley has been doing her thing on Sky News again, this time referring to a Yes campaigner in the Scottish Independence Referendum as ‘a bit of a nob’.
We should hold our own referendum on the spelling of nob/knob when referring to the male genitalia.
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 18th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, Reviews | Comment

In this Sept. 9, 2014 photo, Apple CEO Tim Cook, left, greets Bono from the band U2 after they preformed at the end of the Apple event on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014, in Cupertino, Calif.
THERE’S been much chatter about Apple’s move to give away U2’s new album Songs of Innocence to 500 million iTunes customers in 119 countries to coincide with its iPhone 6 and Watch launch.
U2’s singer Bono (Mr G21) opined:
“People who haven’t heard our music, or weren’t remotely interested, might play us for the first time because we’re in their library,”
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Posted: 17th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, Music, Technology | Comment

DEATH is a terrible inevitability. You could pop your considerable clogs at any given moment. You might be half way through a banana. You could be mid-poo, like Elvis. You could be *this close* to finishing that computer game that proved so difficult all those years. You might suddenly die just before someone finishes a joke.
Worse than all these things put together, is when great actors die before they’ve had the chance to do one last film that is any good.
There’s a whole host of brilliant actors who have been in absolute crap – Robert De Niro in ‘The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle’, Michael Caine in ‘Jaws: The Revenge’, Kevin Spacey in ‘Fred Claus’, Faye Dunaway in ‘Dunston Checks In’ and Al Pacino in Adam Sandler’s beyond woeful ‘Jack & Jill’.
However, they all got another shot at correcting the blips on their showreels.
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 16th, September 2014 | In: Film | Comment
KANYE West began his move into TV evangelism by commanding an audience to ‘Stand up’.
On stage at Sydney’s Qantas Credit Union Arena, West tells the fans:
“I decided I can’t do this song. I can’t do the rest of this show until everybody stands up.”
A few don’t. He spots two of them.
He asks: “Is he in a wheelchair?”
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Posted: 16th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

ACTRESS Danièle Watts (Django Unchained, Weeds) was stopped by police in Studio City USA for kisisng her boyfreind. Police requested her ID. She refused. Why should she hadn her ‘papers’ over? Police then put her into their vehicle. She was handcuffed.
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Posted: 16th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment (1)

IN September 1994, a reel-to-reel tape emerged and was put up for auction. Sotheby’s were all over it because this wasn’t any old recording they had on their hands.
What had arrived was a reel to reel tape of The Quarry Men appearing at St Peter’s Parish Church garden party Liverpool in July, 1957.
The Quarry Men would of course, turn into The Beatles, who are still the biggest band in the whole wide world. The tape went for what is a reasonably low price of £69,000. That wouldn’t buy one leg of a Champion’s League footballer in 2014.
So with that, we got to thinking about famous rock stars, pop singers and rappers before they were famous. Of course, there’s a lot of them who were on television and there’s yearbook photos of just about every celebrity online, but we wanted to look at the music they were making and the evidence of it.
Pull up a chair, remove the wax from your ear and let’s get stuck into rock’s flipside.
The Beatles
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 16th, September 2014 | In: Key Posts, Music | Comment

YOU’LL have seen the sweary letter signed ‘Stanley Kubrick’ written to the head of AGM about the sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey.
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Posted: 16th, September 2014 | In: Film | Comment
COMPLETELY insane he may be, but the Colonel Kurtz of Soul, R Kelly has made an announcement that will reverberate around the halls of the sneering mockers the world over. Despite his alleged fondness for urinating on young women and creating baffling songs like Real Talk and Shut Up, nothing has come close to R Kelly’s ego-lunacy project, Trapped In The Closet.
And, startlingly, he’s made more episodes of the bizarre pop-opera so he can finally share some of its‘mysteries’ with us. We suspect one mystery he’ll be leaving well alone is ‘why did he think it was a good idea to make an soul-operetta about a midget, a gay pastor and mystery package.’
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 15th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment
THE Kardashians are a gruesome spectacle, determined to tell us all about the ins-and-outs of their lives. Quite literally. Of course, we saw the ins-and-outs of Kim’s life when her sex tape with Ray J got leaked online, turning her into a star overnight. Since then, she’s… well… done very little of worth, apart from a very brief marriage to a man who throws balls at a hoop for a living.
With the untold wealth that comes with Kim K’s life, she’s looking at buying a house in Europe. A bedsit in Montrose? A terrace in Telford? Of course not! She’s looking at buying Beckingham Palace – David and Victoria Beckham’s mansion in Hertfordshire.
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 15th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

Actress Carrie Fisher, 16, daughter of Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher, poses in New York City on May 2, 1973.
CARRIE Fisher is writing about looks and beauty for the Times:
Despite the fact that I have been employed as an actor, repeatedly and sometimes unfortunately (an occupation where looks can be very much an issue) I remain immune to my physical charms. This is, in part, because, since I was 13, I have spent months, nay, years, being, on and off, quite chubby and, therefore, conspicuously unattractive. I decided early on that I was officially a fleshy and forlorn blob. Couple that with self-absorption to spare and comparing myself unrealistically with the gorgeous and, voilà, you’ve got the recipe for my delightful and disastrous self-image…
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Posted: 14th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment
TUMBLR of the week is Nosemouth “the single topic photo manipulation blog featuring popular people with just one simple alteration — “All Nose. No Mouth” . It might be a tribue to Karl Malden:

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Posted: 14th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

CILLA Black:
“Who threw the best parties in the 1960s? Obviously me! I used to throw parties at my Portland Place flat with all the Beatles and Mick Jagger. In fact Ringo Starr was sent out to get a lump of coal and a piece of bread one New Year’s eve — and we forgot about him! He turned up two hours later, freezing cold, with two Americans who’d recognised him in the street.”
All wonderfully innocent, family-friendly fun…
Posted: 13th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

THE Chuckle Brothers – Barry and Paul Elliott – have been appearing as themselves both inside and outside Southwark Crown Court – where Former Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis is accused of indecent assault and sexual assault.
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Posted: 13th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment
HUNTER S Thompson wrote for ESPN on Sept. 12, 2001:
The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for Peace in Our Time, in the United States or any other country. Make no mistake about it: We are At War now — with somebody — and we will stay At War with that mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives.
It will be a Religious War, a sort of Christian Jihad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy.
Spotter: Glenn Greenwald
Posted: 12th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment
GARY Busey has won the 2014 series of Celebrity Big Brother.
His trading cards is worth a look.

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Posted: 12th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, TV & Radio | Comment
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Mof Gimmers
Posted: 11th, September 2014 | In: Music | Comment
RICHARD Kiel (1939-2014):

Film – James Bond ‘The Spy Who Loved Me’ – On Set
Actor Roger Moore, who plays James Bond, is dwarfed by 7ft 2ich Richard Kiel who plays Jaws in the new film.
Date: 01/10/1976
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Posted: 11th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment

THIS is probably the best thing you’ll ever read about James Corden. Even the article gets bored halfway through a quote.
Spotter: @michaelmphysics
Posted: 9th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities | Comment