Strange But True Category
Weird, offbeat and bizarre news from around the world. Funny, strange & odd news stories that make you wince, laugh and fear for humanity.
Dungeons and Dragons players are possessed by the Devil (video)
Dungeons and Dragons is a gateway to hell. So says Baptist pastor Win Worley.
Spotter: christiannightmares.tumblr.com, Boing Boing
Posted: 30th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Obituary of the day: Stella is survived by a ‘shitload’ of grandchildren
The obituary notice for Dorothy A. “Stella” Scrobola tells of a “unique, caring individual who touched the lives of all who knew her.” Stella is mourned and celebrated by her six children and many, many grandchildren:
Spotter: Reddit
Posted: 30th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Nothing says RIP than putting your dead lover’s ashes inside a glass dildo
Good news, deadsters. You can carry on shagging after you’ve stopped breathing. Mark Sturkenboom’s “21 grams memory box” has a box for the widow or widower in need of company. It contains: a diffuser for the deceased’s perfume, an iPod dock to play “your” songs, a necklace on which to keep the key and an urn shaped like a dildo ready on contain 21 grammes of the dead lover’s red-hot ashes.
Says Mark:
“I sometimes help an elderly lady with her groceries and she has an urn standing near the window with the remains of her husband. She always speaks with so much love about him but the jar he was in didn’t reflect that at all.”
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Posted: 27th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer | Comment
Famer ordered to take take down his pornographic hay bales (photo)
Aussie farmer Bruce Cook has been threatened with “publishing pornographic images”. Will he remove the offended hay bales?
“I couldn’t believe it. How could anyone be offended by something that happens out in the paddocks for real every day of the week?
“It’s just nature,” Mr Cook told The Weekly Times…
“I told the copper to p. s off.
“They have picked on the wrong person. I don’t care what they threaten me with. The sculpture stays,” he said.
You just know there is peer group for this kink…
Posted: 27th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment (1)
Mug Shot of the day: the Washington eyebrow lady
Mug Shot of the Day comes to us via Police in Washougal, Washington, who arrested 36-year-old Marsha Santoro.
The story is:
At around 6pm on Friday, police said Santoro was driving when a child riding a Big Wheel rolled out of a driveway and Santoro hit the child. Witnesses told officers Santoro attempted to drive away, but when that didn’t work she got out of her Ford F-150 pickup and walked off, according to police. Police said a K-9 unit tracked Santoro to the hole that she was hiding in.
She faces a raft of eyebrow-raising charges…
Posted: 27th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Watch how a trapped snaked thanks its rescuers
This video of a trapped snake being cut has a great ending. But it’s not what you think:
Spotter: B3ta
Posted: 26th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
450 kg man moved to new nursing home by crane and flatbed truck (video)
Brian Butler need to move when notice was served on his Providence, Rhode Island, nursing home. Problem is that Mr Butler tips the scales at 1,000 lbs (450 kg, 71.5 stones). Moving isn’t easy. So. He was placed inside a cargo container, lifted by a crane and loaded onto a flatbed truck. He was then driven to his new home.
Posted: 26th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Cocaine trafficker escapes by giving his GPS monitor to a cat
Uses for cats No. 2: mobile getaway device.
Mexican national Diego Martinez-Espinoza was under house arrest in Chesterfield, Virginia, for drugs trafficking. His trial is scheduled for May 6. But he won’t be there. WTKR says that the suspect foxed police by removing his GPS ankle bracelet and attaching it to a cat.
When police went to to see why Espinoza hadn’t responded to their calls to check into the station – the device beeps and beeps until the perp complies – he wasn’t there. But the cat was. And what it made of a cheeping noise following it rond the room is anyone’s guess.
More uses for cats when we find them…
Spotter: Daily Dot
Posted: 25th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Florida teen will not be arrested for ‘date raping’ a snake that bit his face
Florida has long history of snake-human interaction. Usually its handling snakes to prove the existence of God’s love. But for 18-year-old Austin Hatfield, it’s all about the kissing.
Hatfield’s designated love interest was a water moccasin. To get it in the mood for smooching, Hatfield kept the creature in his pillowcase on his bed for many days and nights.
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Posted: 23rd, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Diner finds used sink plug in her Hog’s Breath salad
Things Found In Food spots a sink plug in a salad.
The diner at Brisbane, Australia’s Hog’s Breath Cafe got an old plug in her salad. You have to wonder what vegetable the chef thinks the plug resembles?
The eatery’s ggeneral manager Ross Worth offers up an explanation:
“Food hygiene is a top priority for the company. The plug came from a sanitised ice food bath that was designated for fresh produce such as lettuce and tomatoes to be washed in. On that day the staff members have pulled fresh produce out of the bath and accidently pulled the plug with it. The business owner has re-trained his staff on the right processes to make sure this doesn’t ever happen again. As for the customer’s complint that kitchen staff thought it was funny I can’t comment if they were laughing – I would guess not.It’s not a laughing matter, and I’d like to think they wouldn’t laugh.”
Conclusion: don’t order the mushrooms.
Posted: 23rd, April 2015 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer | Comment
Modern sex: long lost brother and sister meet on Tinder
After 16 years apart a brother and sister have been reunited on Tinder, the dating app. He looked at her. She looked at him. Thoughts turned to sex. Then they discovered they were siblings. But this isn’t Motherwell, so nothing sexual happened.
Via Mic reports:
De Vries, now 24, eventually moved back to the Netherlands for school, and in March, like any other young adult, joined Tinder and started swiping.
“The first time I swiped her profile I had absolutely no idea… To be honest, it hasn’t been on my mind in the past few years after Maarten, my brother, and I finished a failed search for Josephine a few years ago.”
And yet he happened to swipe right, assuming Egberts was just a nice stranger. So de Vries started talking to her like anyone else. “In our first conversation I was actually flirting with her so the conversation was very superficial,” he said.
And then…
“In our next conversation, I started to get some clues and figured she might actually be my sister. This kind of shocked me, so I decided not to contact her for a few days.”
But after the shock and physical attraction had been given time to cool off, they have met.
Meanwhile…in Motherwell…
Posted: 22nd, April 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment
Tamworth boy gets stuck inside Minion machine

When Henry Howes failed to grab the Minion’s head with a metal claw, he was disapointed. Henry reached inside the hatch in a bid to grab a Despicable Me toy. He then slid all the way inside.
Helpfully, somsone took a photo of Henry.
The chance to Grab A Live Child for £1 at the Snowdome in Tamworth, Staffs, would undoubtedly appeal to 1970s BBC Radio DJs, but in today’s age it’s frowned upon.
Henry was eventually spared a life as an ornament when staff freed him.
Posted: 21st, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Watch what happens when you attack a pregnant wolf spider with a broom
Anorak has one way of dealing with spider in the home: I leave the room and never return until a woman (it has to be woman – like ISIS nutjobs, spiders are terrified of women). But Danny Ford of Hallett Cove, South Australia, reaches for the household implements. When he spotted a venomous wolf spider in his home he went for the broom.
He hit it. And then it happened…
You can try to kill all the little pieces – before they try to kill you…
Spotter: Metro
Posted: 20th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Woman in court after partner slept with prostitute who is also her son’s girlfriend
Carol Bulut, 56, is in the dock at Aberdeen Sheriff Court. She admits sending a message that was offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character. She said she would smash her partner’s windows.
Not nice. But can we sympathise with her?
Mrs Bulut had been with her partner for 23 years. Their life together has produced four children. Defence agent Alex Burn tells us:
“Her son received a phone call from his partner, who is a prostitute. The girlfriend says ‘I have just got £100 from a punter’ and that she is having a Chinese.”
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Posted: 20th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
German dentist removed all man’s teeth to cure erectile dysfunction
To Germany where a local dentist must pay 20,000 euros in compensation to the man who came to him seeking help for erectile dysfunction and schizophrenia.
Alex S said his teeth were “destroying the energy flows in his body”. The dentist didn’t question Alex’s mental capacity to self-diagnose. He just set about removing all 19 of Alex’s teeth. He then charged Alex 50,000 euros.
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Posted: 20th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Wootton Bassett man accidentally sent girlfriend video of him having sex with their dog
David Buchanan, 34, of Royal Wootton Bassett, England, was watching porn at home. His mind wondered: what would it be like to have sex with a dog? So. He tried it out with the nearest dog he could get, a 10-month-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. And he recorded it. He then accidentally sent the footage to his girlfriend because the device he was on was linked to her cloud account.
She called the police.
In court, Buchanan pleased guilty to sexual assault. He is now on the sex offenders’ register for seven years and embarking on 50 days of rehabilitation.
Spotter: Daily Dot
Posted: 17th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True, Technology | Comment
Japan’s Megumi Igarashi arrested for making a boat in the shape of her vagina
Megumi Igarashi is in trouble for making a large scale “pussy boat” based on 3D scans of her own vulva. Igarashi, known in Japan’s art circles as “Rokudenashiko” (“good-for-nothing girl”) has been arrested for emailing data from her 3D genital-scan.
It turns out in Japan depictions of genitalia are banned by a 1951 Supreme Court decree that forbids anything that “stimulates desire and violates an ordinary person’s sense of sexual shame and morality.”
You know, like the game show for tossers, Manga comics, him and this brothel.
If Igarashi’s Junk doesn’t float your boat you can take home replicas of her vulva is jewelry form.
News just in: Igarashi is free. But she’ll back in the dry dock on Tuesday. She faces up to two years in prison or a fine of up to 2.5 million yen ($24,500).
She says:
“The fact that I was arrested for this at all shows that Japan is still very backwards about women’s sexual expression, that it is not acknowledged at all except as something for men’s pleasure. There’s huge resistance to women using their body to express themselves. The fact that I was arrested for this is just strange…. I don’t believe my vagina is anything obscene. I was determined I would never yield to police power.”
Feel free to put your oar in (but watch out for splinters)…
Posted: 17th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Man expecting birthday BJ gets unexpected waxing from pranking girlfriend
In the Czech Republic Erik Meldik is one half of the pranking ViralBrothers. One laugh feartured Meldik telling his girlfriend, Dominika Petrinova, she had accidentally put her pet dog in a washing machine. Dominika was extremely upset. And when she’d calmed down she plotted her revenge.
On his birthday, Dominika walked a naked and blindfolded Erik from the shower. In the lounge, she sat his naked rear on a chair on which she’d stuck waxing strips. Erik, doubtless expecting a birthday BJ or some other sex-driven thrill, was stuck.
As she struggles. She titters.
Spotter: Daily Mirror
Posted: 17th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Florida police fail to shoot dead living god having sex with a tree
To Florida, where Kenneth Crowder, 41, of Melbourne, is attempting to expand the Holy Tree-nity by having sex with a tree. Crowder is off his face of flakka, a form of bath salts.
WKMG reports:
“Crowder was spotted by witnesses running naked through a Melbourne neighborhood, yelling that he was a god before committing a sexual act on a tree.”
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Posted: 16th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
See The Sturdy 18th Century Sex Toy They Found In An Ancient Polish Toilet

Poland, land of poles
It turns out that sex wasn’t invented when your loins first stirred over a copy of the Argos catalgoue. People have been at it for at least a couple of hundred years. In Poland, for instance, the Regional Office for the Protection of Monuments in Gdańsk has found a “sex toy” down an ancient toilet.
The 250-year-old dildo is “thick, made of high quality leather filled with bristles, and has a wooden tip.”
Like all the best knobs are…
Spotter: Discovery News.
Posted: 16th, April 2015 | In: NSFW, Strange But True | Comment
Watch Sing When It Happens: The Japanese Karaoke Game Show Where You Get A Hand Job Whilst Singing

‘Mistletoe and wine…”
Japan has given us some of the world’s weirdest games shows. But it’s excelled itself with Sing What Happens, the show where male contestants try to sing karaoke whilst a presenter gives them a hand job.
Will you fluff your lines as the fluffer works your metronome? Will you hit the high notes as well as the low ones?
Your turn is over when you ejaculate.
Cue Nirvana:
Spotter:Dangerous Minds
Posted: 16th, April 2015 | In: NSFW, Strange But True, TV & Radio | Comment
Thief arrested after programming his address into stolen car’s GPS
To Jefferson County, Alabama, where police are responding to a call that a man has tried to steal a truck. The vehicle’s owner has chased the would-be thief away. The criminal has run over to a car and driven away. The truck owner took down the car’s numberplate.
He hands that number to police. It turns out the car is stolen.
A GPS device located in the stolen car reveals that it’s stopped at 6700 Crossbrook Lane. Police race over. They find the car. They note that the GPS is displaying this new address as ‘home’.
Police find Donnie Jaydon Terry, 18, hiding on the porch.
They arrest him, probably for his own safety…
Posted: 15th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
See what happens when you stick a hummingbird in a wind tunnel
So. What does happen when you place a hummingbird in a wind tunnel?
Someone put that question to scientists at UC Berkeley. And they set about answering it, seeking to know what hummingbirds do in different wind conditions.
This film is at 1000 frames per seconds. And even that that speed the birds still look pretty quick:
Posted: 14th, April 2015 | In: Strange But True | Comment
Turkish mayor erects massive robot statue
To Turkey, where Mayor Melih Gökçek of Ankara is being sued by the Turkish Union of Engineers and Architects’ Chambers for investing tax money on a wonderful 20-foot tall robot statue. The statue is not a 3D version of a self-portrait. It’s to advertise a new theme park.
Said Gökçek in reply to the many critics who have slammed his project: “Respect the robot.”
Spotter: The Independent,
Posted: 13th, April 2015 | In: Politicians, Strange But True | Comment
Manchester 10-year-olds get Sex On The Beach in a ‘Red Hot’ Buffet
To the Red Hot Buffet World on Deansgate, Manchester, for a story that has the lot.
Ashley Dodds, 29, is with her daughter… Dennon. Dennon is 10. Dennon is with a friend of the same age. (We’ll get tired to saying Dennon eventually).
Mum orders a Sweet Kiss ‘mocktail’ for the girls. She then goes outside for a cigarette. The waiters brings the girls their cocktails – two glasses of Sex On the Beach (“A naughty little mix of vodka and peach schnapps topped with both cranberry and pineapple juice”).
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Posted: 12th, April 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True | Comment