
Anorak News | Get Them Out Of Here

Get Them Out Of Here

by | 27th, August 2002

‘YOU might think that a three-day adventure in the Australian outback would be an ideal holiday. But then, you’re not a celebrity.

Could there be anything worse for someone who thrives on exposure and publicity than to be yanked out of the spotlight, dragged away from a cushy existence back home, and abandoned in the middle of nowhere with no access to make-up?

It’s not all obscurity for our poor exiled celebs, though. After all, they are being filmed 24 hours a day. And the results are screening on ITV’s new show, I’m A CelebrityÂ…Get Me Out Of Here!.

Eight people of dubious celebrity status – Christine Hamilton, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson, Nell McAndrew, Nigel Benn, Darren Day, Uri Geller, Rhona Cameron and Tony Blackburn – have been left to their own devices, and the mercy of various Australian creepy-crawlies, in this star version of Survivor.

Christine Hamilton, wife of the disgraced MP Neil, has been given the job of leader. Under her shining guidance, the hapless eight consumed all their food rations, meant to last for days, in just two hours.

Will they survive this terrible ordeal? Or will they be lost forever in the stark Australian wilderness? We can only hope. In the meantime, keep an eye on proceedings on ITV at 9pm.

Posted: 27th, August 2002 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink