
Anorak News | Food (Poisoning) For Thought

Food (Poisoning) For Thought

by | 6th, January 2006



Food poisoning all round


“Mothers told of nicotine patch link to birth defects”

“Adverts do make teens rink more” – Yes, folks advertising works. And it works best on young, impressionable minds steeped in, er, alcopops

“THE BIRD FLU BLACK MARKET – It’s over-priced and illegal but with official stocks of Tamiflu – the only drug that fights bird flu – still to arrive. Many are tuning to the internet to protect their families. But are these £7 tablets the real thing?”


“Arthritis patients ‘refused drugs in NHS cash crisis’” – so claims the Arthritis Research Campaign

“Once Labour was proud to be the party of the poor. Now it’s the party of perpetual poverty”

“Do girls’ brains turn them into binge drinker?” – Study at Duke University Medical Centre, North Carolina, suggests women are less affected by alcohol’s sedative qualities than men

“Why children are no safer in a four-wheel drive” – They might be big and capable of running down lesser beings in their hatchbacks, but they are more likely to roll over in an accident


“Wrap up, the big chill is back” – Not winter…again!

“Childcare ‘may turn parents into strangers’” – Dr Christopher Arnold, an educational psychologist, says children who use after-school and breakfast clubs could mean we are “sleepwalking our way into more institutionalised childcare”

“How smoking could make your son fat” – Researchers say men who smoke while young have higher chance of having fat sons

“The city that went to pot – Holland was in the vanguard of drugs liberalisation. Now, faced with soaring crime and gangs ruling the streets, it is launching a draconian crackdown. So what lessons can Britain learn?”

“Warmer UK ‘faces risk of malaria’” – Another peril of global warming


“We need 40 times as much bird flu vaccine” – There’s not enough for us all

“MAGNETIC BRACELETS ‘FAIL TO EASE ARTHRITIS’” – So says an article in British Medical Journal

“Britons lad the way at drinking themselves to death”

“Baby milk firms ‘failing to warn’ of meningitis risk”

“Conker trees hit by mystery disease” – Our conker trees could die

“YES, I WAS AN ALCOHOLIC” – Charles Kennedy empathises with the binge-drinking electorate’

Posted: 6th, January 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink