
Anorak News | Honour Among Thieves

Honour Among Thieves

by | 15th, June 2006

WHO says good manners are dead?

Not us. And certainly not the “yob” who has been robbing shops of their takings in the Greater Manchester area.

Pictured in the Sun wearing a hoodie with the word “Yankees” written across the front, this is the “most polite armed raider in Britain”.

Short of holding his weapons of choice – a hammer or a knife – with the pinkie finger raised, the man in the hood is a paragon of decency.

As he orders staff to empty tills lest their throats be slashed and heads smashed in, our gentleman robber says “please”. When the job is complete and the money is in his hands (he wears Marigold washing-up gloves) he says “thank you”.

On one occasion, this modern day Raffles accidentally bumped into a woman’s child. “Sorry,” he said. And we believe he was.

But the police are unimpressed. “This man used a knife or a hammer to threaten shop staff and onlookers. They were terrified. No amount of ‘pleases’, ‘thank yous’ and ‘sorrys’ can alter that.”

Indeed they cannot. So the police want to catch him and make him really sorry…

Posted: 15th, June 2006 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink