
Anorak News | The Love Boat

The Love Boat

by | 10th, August 2006

“IT was the best romantic wedding of all time,” says Pamela Anderson in OK! magazine. “A real rock and roll wedding.”

Pamela has just married Kid Rock (nee Robert Ritchie), and OK! has witnessed the event on board a yacht anchored off the coast of St Tropez.

And for the occasion the bride and groom wrote their own preamble. Captain Adrian O’Neil delivered the words. “We are gathered here today to witness their joining together as man and wife and testify the saying of vows and the exchange of rings.

“In this world of frequent strife, Pamela and Bobby would like to send a message to the world of love and harmony.”

We do. We mean, we will. Oh, shucks! We always get embarrassed when called upon to speak at weddings. And it’s best to let Kid and Pamela says their “I dos”.

And before the party the bride had more to say. “It’s been a whirlwind and spontaneous but well thought through.” You can’t beat a bit of well thought through spontaneity.

And so we moved capriciously to the post-wedding party. And OK! spotted Pam “grappling” with a pillar in the middle of the room.

Guests Cindy Crawford and David Furnish “looked on with smiles fixed on their faces”.

And in the best nautical traditions, Pammy heaved to…

Posted: 10th, August 2006 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink