
Anorak News | Golden Earrings

Golden Earrings

by | 10th, January 2007

YOU’VE journeyed to Valhalla, turned your guts over on Avalanche and marvelled at the illuminations. Blackpool has so much to offer.

And now come with us indoors. Pass the Bowladrome, the vendors selling candy gloss and machine-formed sunset orange colouring and enter the Blackpool Pleasure Beach museum.
This attraction is not yet open. Indeed, it is left unmentioned in dispatches. But it should be.

As the paper reports, a manmade lake has been drained as part of building work for a new white-knuckle ride. And what wonders emerged from this watery treasure box?

The Mail looks on. It sees three sets of false teeth, a glass eye, a toupee, three dolls, a bra an £85 in small change. The Mirror counts eight mobiles phones, 13 pairs of glasses and sunglasses, several wallets and 35 keys.

It is an impressive haul. Together the collection will form an attraction to grace any museum. As a spokesman tells the Mail: “It has been a real eye opener as to what people lose when they are having fun.”

The Blackpool Pleasure Beach Museum will rival other repositories of learning, notably the Crewe Museum of Train Timetables, the British Lawnmower Museum (“It’s mower interesting”) and Germany’s Deutsches Currywurst Museum (museum of the curried sausage)

But – get this! – there is more.

The Blackpool Pleasure Beach museum will feature a top attraction. Feast your eyes upon an earring worn by Marlene Dietrich – “one of Hollywood’s greatest stars.”

The Mail produces some background to this showbiz gem. The earring is made of pearl and gold. It is thought the earring matches the earring Lili Marlene wore when she visited Blackpool in 1934.

It was during that visit Marlene became separated from her earring. Might his trinket be the one retrieved from the depths of the lake?

A spokesman for the resort tells the Mirror: “The earring had more sentimental value to the actress then cash.”

Such is the blurb etched in the plinth of hardened candy floss atop which this attraction will sit.

Many will flock to see it. If this museum is not being planned, we urge that it is…

Posted: 10th, January 2007 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink