
Anorak News | Jamie Oliver’s Griller Gorilla

Jamie Oliver’s Griller Gorilla

by | 2nd, January 2008

gorilla_munch.jpgTHE gorilla’s of Africa have a champion. “School wildlife clubs help give Uganda’s gorilla’s a future,” says the Independent.

“’Our next song,’ announces 11-year-old Robert Ntegereje, at the front of his primary school class, ‘is about how we can look after the gorillas by planting trees wherever they live.’ It’s hardly an announcement you’d hear in a school in Britain.”

The Anorak confesses that it took three readings to understand that the boy’s call to planting was not enacted in a British school.

Indeed, it was only when Jamie Oliver failed to arrive to tell the little ‘uns that Gorilla Twizzlers are disgusting that we realised our error…

Posted: 2nd, January 2008 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink