
Anorak News | Hezbollah Collects Israeli Body Parts

Hezbollah Collects Israeli Body Parts

by | 19th, January 2008

THIS is revolting: “Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah says his armed group has body parts of Israeli soldiers killed in Lebanon during the 2006 conflict.

Sheikh Nasrallah told the crowds: “Our fighters were fighting and confronting these Zionists. They were killing them and collecting the remains of their bodies.

“I am not talking about insignificant bodily remains. I tell the Israelis we have heads, hands, legs of your soldiers. We also have a nearly intact cadaver from the head down to the pelvis.”

How would the UK reacts if this were the IRA saying this?

Posted: 19th, January 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink