
Anorak News | Smoke Damage At Camden Market

Smoke Damage At Camden Market

by | 10th, February 2008

camden-town-fire.jpgA FIRE at Camden Market. Smoke.

Says the Times: “Smoke still hung heavy over the Canal section of Camden’s famous market this afternoon, a pungent reminder of last night’s blaze.”

No, not josticks. Not herbal cigarettes. Not even burnt falafel. More a combination of all three, plus the stench of smoke-damaged buildings and carpet.

Reports the Times: “The area’s most famous pub, the Hawley Arms, which attracts celebrities such as Amy Winehouse, Kate Moss and Sadie Frost, was gutted.”

A celebrity fire. The disaster for the stall holders who may have lost their livlihoods is given perpective…

Posted: 10th, February 2008 | In: Broadsheets Comment | TrackBack | Permalink