
Anorak News | Banish Plastic Bags And Save The Turtles

Banish Plastic Bags And Save The Turtles

by | 27th, February 2008

turtle-plastic-bag.jpgEVERY time you use a plastic carrier bag a sea turtle dies.

That’s the message on the Mail’s cover page as readers are urged to “BANISH THE BAGS”.

See “a British family on a weekly shop”. And know: “In a distant sea a rare turtle, plastic bags lodged in its guts, is slowly dying.”

Can something be done to save it? No, not The Great British Shop – that for another campaign – the turtle? Yes, says the Mail. In all there are “13 billion ways you can help.”

Sadly, one of these ways does not involve pulling the plastic bag from the featured turtle’s guts. Nor does it include removing the plastic bag that “chokes” another turtle, also pictured. It is too late to save the gannet, which lies on a Cornwall beach, strangled by a carrier bag. Shame on you, purveyors of “VAPORMATIC”.

The Mail tells of the minke whale that was cut open and found to be hoarding 2lbs of plastic bags. With no kitchen drawers, the poor whale was forced to store the bags in her stomach. And died.

The Campaign 

Say no to eating plastic bags.

And do not throw them on a beach in Hawaii, where they can throttle a turtle. Do not dispose of plastic bags in the Masai Mara game park, where a lion is pictured chewing on one. If you see macaque monkey in India using a plastic bag in rainy conditions, do not smile but fear for its life.

This is a big deal. The first seven pages of the Mail are given over to banishing the plastic bag. And the Mail helps by offering its reader a free bag, not made from durable plastic, rather fashioned from cotton. “I’M AN ECO BAG AND PROUD OF IT,” says the message on the bag. “Daily Mail.”

The bag is “FREE”.

To get one place 70p on an SAE envelope and send it within another envelope (with stamp) to the Mail. Your “Free” bag will be with you shortly.

Better perhaps to fold your Mail into a bag, a hat or a placard, taking care to feature the “BANISH THE BAG ” logo prominently. It only costs 45p. And everyone will understand…

Posted: 27th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink