
Anorak News | Woman Fined For Feeding Sausage Roll To Child

Woman Fined For Feeding Sausage Roll To Child

by | 25th, April 2008

sausage-roll.jpgSARAH Davies is feeding her daughter Chloe a sausage roll in Hull.

Were this tableau occurring in more affluent parts of London, or Anthea Turner’s Surrey home, and were Ms Davies older than 20, we would think nothing of it.

The sausage would be organic and the pastry made with lo-fat butter and a fine artisan’s flour hewn from wheat farmed by fair-minded Bolivians.

But this is Hull. Ms Davies is young. Her daughter is aged 4. Feelings run high, and when a piece of snout-in-a-tube hits the pavement, Davies is upbraided.

She is handed a fixed penalty notice to the amount of £75.

The Star says that Sarah is prepared to go to court. She can’t pay the fine and denies being a “common criminal”.

The Star says the sausage, what it calls a “pastry” and others would call “everything that is wrong with modern Britain”, is soon eaten by seagulls.

A damning end to the story, for sure. First the children and now our Great British wildlife is fed on so much hoof and jet-blasted innards.

A fine for this alleged wrongdoer? Tsk! Only because hanging is too good for ‘em…

Posted: 25th, April 2008 | In: Tabloids Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink