
Anorak News | Green Porno Is Creating A Buzz In The Art World

Green Porno Is Creating A Buzz In The Art World

by | 7th, May 2008

ISABELLA Rossellini talks about her eight one-minute long Green Porno films premiering at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival.

The films are self-consciously odd, an overly arty attempt to create, well, buzz. It is the kind of art that people in the know call “important”, lest the rest of us think it unimportant and utterly trite and mistake the scenes for outtakes from the old Batman show.

Rossellini is exploring sex in way that presents her as anything but sexy.

The videos are bad, one would say they are crap. But those in the know would say they were a talking point and so worthy. They are making the world sit up and notice how a YouTube clip can be art, in much the same way that Deal Or No Deal makes us wonder about the state of the country’s mental health.

It’s all about seeing it on different levels. Perhaps this is what the insect sees, a myriad levels and images and layers?


Posted: 7th, May 2008 | In: TV & Radio Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink