
Anorak News | Watching Paul Gascoigne

Watching Paul Gascoigne

by | 3rd, June 2008

gazzabreasts.jpgSO concerned is the Star for Paul Gascoigne that once more it shines a flash light on his “troubled” head and hints that he might be dead before too long.

“GAZZA: THE END,” says the headline, words writ in funereal jet black ink. “Sectioned yet again & drunk for a month. Yesterday he gives up.”

“Save our Gazza,” says the Mirror, the Sun’s “troubled England clown”.

“PLEASE SAVE HIM,” pleads the Sun’s front-page headline. “Dazed and confused … Paul Gascoigne slumps in chair,” says the caption to a picture of Gascoigne sitting in a hairdresser’s chair.

Were this chair a dentist’s chair Gazza would be tipped back and liquor poured down his neck by a bevy of topless footballers.

But that’s the Gazza of old. This is the new Gascoigne, who is routinely compared the George Best, the football great who drank himself to death.

The Star hears from Gazza’s sister, and deduces: “Now she is desperate to stop her brother from following in the tragic footsteps of fellow soccer legend George Best, who died in 2005 at the age of 59.”

Gascoigne is 41, and the last thing the tabloid wants is 18 years of news about a footballing legend drinking to excess and behaving erratically.


Posted: 3rd, June 2008 | In: Back pages, Tabloids Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink