
Anorak News | Airbrush: The Naked Smell Of Leona Lewis

Airbrush: The Naked Smell Of Leona Lewis

by | 15th, January 2009

WANT to know what singer Leona Lewis smells of?

A source tells us that her scent has been harvested and bottled:

“She has had a big hand in helping to create the fragrance and the design of the bottle and now she can’t wait to see it in the shops.”

As Leona told us one year ago:

I’m totally focused on my music for now. My clothing line won’t be coming out just yet — or any perfume line.”

A year is a long time in showbiz.

And Airbrush by Leona Lewis is the ripe smell of new money, foundation and, in a nod to her roots, the faint essence of a Deep Pan Supreme with stuffed crust.

Says Leona, who has an autobiography coming out, much like the one she said she wouldn’t do:

I’d never be confident enough to take my clothes off, even if Playboy offered a fortune. Who’d want to see me with my clothes off?”

Give it a year…

Posted: 15th, January 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink