
Anorak News | Catholic Monasteries Offer Live Like A Monk Faliraki Weekenders

Catholic Monasteries Offer Live Like A Monk Faliraki Weekenders

by | 9th, February 2009

TIME to get away, and what better place to go than a Monastic Experience Weekend at Worth Abbey, East Sussex.

Says the brochure:

To become a monk of Worth, a person must firstly be an active member of the Roman Catholic Church. Secondly, a candidate comes to stay as a guest for a few days and then returns for several more visits at regular intervals. St Benedict says: ‘Do not grant newcomers to the monastery an easy entry but test the spirits to see if they are from God (1 Jn 4:1).’

Of course, you can always pretend. The weekends do not have a set tariff, although donations are accepted. So come on and try it out.

During your time at the abbey you will pray five times a day and eat meals in silence.

Families who have taken package tours to the some of the less salubrious parts of the Med will know the experience well.

Final note: sex is not permitted. Ditto…

Image: Faliraki Monastery brochure.

Posted: 9th, February 2009 | In: Money Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink