
Anorak News | Natasha Richardson Killed By Curse

Natasha Richardson Killed By Curse

by | 19th, March 2009

THERE, amid the cod sympathy, the mawkish pitying, the sage advice from medics and anyone with a vested interest, and the tabloid sentimentality, the Telegraph wonders if Natasha Richardson’s death “adds to speculation of a ‘curse’ on Redgrave dynasty”.

It’s nothing to do with knocks to the head and being unlucky – it’s a curse.

The death of Natasha Richardson after a skiing accident has reignited speculation about a ‘curse’ claimed to affect the Redgrave acting family.

The curse:

A series of marriage failures and controversies have beset the family, including Richardson’s divorce from her first husband and the revelation that both her father and grandfather were bisexual.

Stars divorce is a shocker right up there with “Jordan Sleeps on her back”, “Fur-lined mugs don’t sell well” and “Pope did NOT have sex with that woman”.

Miss Richardson once said she did not believe in the curse, attributing it to media speculation…

How’s that for tempting fate?!

Her grandfather was Sir Michael Redgrave, a matinee idol and theatre actor who was revealed to be bisexual following his death in 1985.

Actor turns out to be gay? Not in this world! And now the clincher:

Natasha settled in New York with Neeson but he had a serious accident on his motorbike in New York in 2002 in which he broke his pelvis after colliding with a deer.

And was he wearing a helmet?

The mystery continues as to how the Tabloid Telegraph still bills itself as a serious newspaper and not a snottier version of the Mail, which delivers this gem:

Natasha’s ski-fall tragedy: Struck down by the eternal curse of the Redgraves

And not wearing a helmet…

More caring media:

Autopsy on Natasha Richardson under way in NYC

Hollywood reacts to Richardson’s death

Richardson’s death sparks ski helmet debate

Posted: 19th, March 2009 | In: Celebrities Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink