
Anorak News | Conservatives Ban Teaching Of God And AGW Global Warming In Schools, Goldie Hawn Consulted

Conservatives Ban Teaching Of God And AGW Global Warming In Schools, Goldie Hawn Consulted

by | 14th, February 2010

goldie-hawnDAVID Cameron’s shiny Conservatives are talking with Goldie Hawn about education in British schools.

Shadow Children’s Secretary Michael Gove says he is also talking to the French government and a Swedish schools chain. Exciting times in education as Gove gets to use his schoolboy French. And Gove also met with Goldie Hawn, who’s not only a top Hollywood star but runs the Hawn Foundation:

The fifteen lesson MindUP™ curriculum uniquely incorporates the brain science associated with each lesson concept so that children also learn how their thoughts and actions affect their brain and how their brain affects their thoughts and actions.

MindUP™ is also a teaching model, so its concepts are readily integrated into a teacher or school’s existing academic lesson plans.


II. Our Senses – students practice focusing their awareness by learning to listen, see, smell, taste, and move in a mindful way.

Says ‘Honest’ Gove on the telly:

“What we want to do, for example, is to allow organisations like a Swedish company, the International English School, the chance to come here to teach the sort of rigorous academic curriculum which too many students, particularly students in poorer parts of the country, are denied.”

Teaching English wot like the Swedes spoke it would be a start. The only barrier is that there is no money to do it.

“To my mind you cannot have a school which teaches creationism and one thing that we will make absolutely clear is that you cannot have schools which are set up, which teach people things which are clearly at variance with what we know to be scientific fact.

Like global warming and the existence of God?

Posted: 14th, February 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink