
Anorak News | Sun’s Anila Baig On Shafted Pakistan Cricket, Tebbit’s Test And Shaggable Imran Khan

Sun’s Anila Baig On Shafted Pakistan Cricket, Tebbit’s Test And Shaggable Imran Khan

by | 30th, August 2010

ANILA Baig is wheeled out to comment on the Pakistan cricket cheating story. Baig was born in Bradford. When she first wrote for the Sun her byline photo featured her dressed in the hijab. Now her head is bare.

As she told Sun readers back when she joined the team:

“Don’t be put off by the picture of me. I’m just a gal who likes to hide her highlights under a bushel – or a headscarf.”

Baig is a talented writer. But she has become the Sun’s rent-an-Asian-woman-Muslim. And today she is the rent-a-Pakistani. Baig has one of the biggest news beats in the tabloid world, covering TV, a gender, a religion and a continent. Now she is covering cricket.

Says Baig of the balls:

“It’s not just the cricket world that has been rocked by these allegations. It is my world too. We thought the players were playing out of their skins for US, for their COUNTRY.”

As we say, Baig was born in the UK. As she told Yorkshire Post readers:

Norman Tebbit was reviled for his assertion that young Asians should take the cricket test, but I think it is time to reveal the truth. I don’t want to re-open old wounds but the records needs to be set straight. Yes, we supported Pakistan but it wasn’t because we hated England. Yes, we were born and brought up here and yet we wanted Pakistan to win but the reason I supported Pakistan was because of the good-looking captain Imran Khan.

More on the shaggable Kahn and the race card replacing the score card here.

Kahn no longer plays for Pakistan, which make us wonder who Baig now fancies enough to get behind them?

Posted: 30th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink