
Anorak News | Chris Casswell You Legend: County Durham Man Eats Pet Goldfish In Pet Shop (Video)

Chris Casswell You Legend: County Durham Man Eats Pet Goldfish In Pet Shop (Video)

by | 26th, September 2010

CHRIS Caswell, 30, paid £1.99 for a goldfish at the Petals and Pets shop in Newton Aycliffe and then with the phrase “Goldfish, down the hatch!” ate it raw and live.

A video of the eating as placed on Facebook and Mr Caswell becomes a legend.

No big deal. Fish is good for you and the Japanese and Kim Jong-Il love it raw. But the police get wind of it and Caswell was arrested at his home in Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham, on suspicion of cruelty to animals.

Says he:

“It was over a year ago. We had been out drinking at a friend’s party. I can’t remember much about it. I have just got a puppy. I like animals.”

But he couldn’t eat a whole one…

Posted: 26th, September 2010 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink