
Anorak News | Ride For Heroes Through Wootton Bassett 2011: Photos

Ride For Heroes Through Wootton Bassett 2011: Photos

by | 3rd, April 2011

THOUSANDS of bikers took part in Ride of Respect charity through the Wiltshire town of Wootton Bassett, in aid of Afghan Heroes. Some 10,000 set off in waves of 500 from Hullavington airfield in Wiltshire to ride through the town, the scene of many moving homecomings for service personnel killed in the conflict. The mayor of Wootton Bassett, Mary Champion, rode pillion through her town. Is it mawkish to honour the Army so? No. It’s just a sign that people are not always represented by our gung-ho Government that uses the palsied Armed Forces to fight its vendettas…


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The Ride of Respect charity ride through the Wiltshire town of Wootton Bassett in aid of Afghan Heroes.

Posted: 3rd, April 2011 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink