
Anorak News | Guinness Rishi’s World Flag Tattoos Unite Humanity (Not Malawi)

Guinness Rishi’s World Flag Tattoos Unite Humanity (Not Malawi)

by | 27th, April 2011

GUINNESS Rishi carries on his body the tattoos of 185 maps, 165 mini-flags and 2,985 characters of different countries. He has done this to unite the world. And if man named after a premium beer cannot create world peace, who can? Will Carling?

While the UK celebrates a spot of Rishi’s forehead, the people of Malawi are only remembered when the weather is balmy and Mr Rishi is wearing a small loin cloth fashioned, perhaps, from the flag of the EU.

Says he:

“People call me a joker, a mad man. It doesn’t bother me. My dream is to go around the world several times. I want the children of those countries to ask me, where is the flag of our country, spot it and then, in the process, become aware of my country and other countries as well.”

But don’t touch it, kids. Finding Malawi can create an ocean of issues…


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Posted: 27th, April 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink