
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann blamed for changing American language

Madeleine McCann blamed for changing American language

by | 26th, January 2012

MADELEINE McCann’s legacy is now known:

“It’s possible,” Fogarty wrote, “that this British term has gained footing in the American media because of the high-profile disappearance of British girl Madeline McCann in May 2007. The McCann story received wall-to-wall news coverage for weeks, and this is just speculation, but it may be that the constant reporting by British journalists about how the girl “went missing” subtly influenced American reporters to adopt the term.

Maddie went missing. Maddie is still missing. Madeleine McCann is not yet a verb…

Spotter: Karen

Posted: 26th, January 2012 | In: Madeleine McCann Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink