
Anorak News | Wind farms create climate change and control the weather

Wind farms create climate change and control the weather

by | 5th, February 2012

WIND farms can alter the weather. Yeah – wind farms can change climate and weather patterns. Somnath Roy, assistant professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, says:

“In the daytime, temperatures downwind of a wind farm can fall by as much as 4C. At night the reverse happens and the turbines have a warming effect.”

By 2020. Britain wants to have 10,000 onshore wind turbines and 4,300 offshore.

That fabled Mediterranean climate may only be in the evenings…

Brian Fiedler, of Oklahoma University’s school of meteorology, adds:

“A giant wind farm, with its ability to have the blades furled by a command from a control room, provides the potential for forecastable weather modification.”

In other news, 101 Tory MPs have added their name to a letter calling on wind farms to be culled. In the same weeks that LibDem greenie Chris Huhne resigned from The Cabinet, the Tories strike. It’s game on for Ed Davey, the newly installed Liberal Democrat energy secretary…

Image: Ed Miliband the Secretary of State for Energy at the Little Cheyne Court wind Farm, which he officially opened on the Romney Marshes in Kent,  July 13, 2009. The most disadvantaged households must be helped as Britain shifts to a low-carbon strategy, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband said today.

Posted: 5th, February 2012 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink