
Anorak News | Ryan Lanza photos? Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre

Ryan Lanza photos? Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre

by | 14th, December 2012

IS this the face of Ryan Lanza, the man police suspect murderd 27 people in Newton, Connecticut? His mother is a teacher at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. He was 24. He was born in Newton. He lived in New Jersey. Well, so say Reuters and CNN. On Facebook, Ryan Lanza says it’s not him. How can it be? The killer is dead.

Reactions to the massacre and news here.

The story in photos here.

So is this man below Ryan Lanza, the killer? Well, no, it seems it’s not.

The Jersey Journal’s Brett Wilshe says he spoke to the Lanza pictured below. The photo is all over the internet and has featured on TV news.The HuffPo says it’s him.

Ryan Lanza says the killer might have stolen his ID.

Rob Bajor, a Facebook friend of Lanza’s, notes on Facebook:

“Please listen to me. The Ryan in this picture is alive and well and on his way home right now to grieve with the members of his hometown. The perpetrator of the crime is confirmed dead. Please check the facts before drawing conclusions. This is a serious misstep by the media.”

The Post is now reporting that the shooter was Adam Lanza, 20, and that his brother Ryan is not considered a suspect.


A tweeter:

Katie Pavlich@KatiePavlichNow: Mix up with Ryan and Adam Lanza, and which one was the shooter. Also, dead shooter had Ryan Lanza’s ID

Ryan Lanza issues another message:

Ryan Lanza has been arrested and is being questioned by police. Jennie Hampton (see above) is right. Best get a lawyer.

Posted: 14th, December 2012 | In: Reviews Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink